Friday, January 31, 2014

Why are john hughes movies always about assholes?

despite writing my last post on January 3rd, i forgot to mention that day was the day i saw the breakfast club with mom.

the breakfast club, which is about 5 teens who can some how run behind a full grown man and not be heard or dedicated by him at all, is, like all john hughes (famous and late film writer and director) movies, a good movie, and the main characters are assholes (this includes home alone). It is also one of the most iconic 80’s films ever, i think the reason why is because high school movies usually have the teen heroes seem like, you know, mortally right heros, vs “Evil” adults and bullies, and its usually cheesy and unrealistic.
but here, the adults ARE assholes, but the teens, are also assholes, and obviously have problems, realistic ones, and are basically messed up versions of the typical high school movie archetypes *WARNING SPOILERS DOWNHILL AND TO THE SIDE* (jock’s trying to live up to his asshole dad’s exceptions, the nerd almost committed suicide because he won’t get a perfect score, juvelien is a huge asshole and has a terrible dad, loner just wants to be noticed, prom queen is a bitch because the pressure forced her into being a bitch),
thus it was unique and thats why it a classic.
that and its, you know, a good movie.
TL;DR: its well know because it was different from the other high school movies at the time.

and now time for the sorry story of my passport.
we are going on a vacation with some of the rossfeld family, to the caribbean, and disney world, but since we are going to the caribbean, which is another country, I need my own passport.
so, me and dad went to the photo place to take the picture and they took three pictures of me, the first two were ether of me blinking, or looking stupid, and the third one looked like i had just escaped from the asylum, or i took pictures of myself and uploaded them to the internet right before going on a rampage in either a school, a theater, a office, or all of the above, in a epic (And horrible) gun house to house fight, like the movie "heat".
what i mean, is that i looked like the photo of that guy who shooted up that theater in aurora playing the dark knight rises.
they rejected it, they said it was because it didn’t come out right. Well, thats what they say, but we know its because it sucked.
So we took another one.
we went to another photo place, the first two photos were of me blinking because of the flashing light of the camera. but the third was just a normal picture of me, well, of me looking like i’m about to cry. but still, it put an end to my worries of having a impressing photo of myself on my passport for 10 years or something.
so because of that it isn’t really a sorry story, i guess. a avoided one as you could say.

after all that stuff, i saw another john hughes film with my mom (accidently, we did not realize the connection to breakfast at the time), planes, trains and automobiles, which is the only john hughes movie in which the main character is not an asshole-actually, hes kind of a asshole in one scene, and for the enter movie he plays the part of the frustrated man with bad luck. so yes hes an asshole.
Why does john hughes like writing about assholes so much?
....Oh god, that came out the wrong way didn’t it?
after that i saw the movie “Crazy People” with mom.

it was awesome.
also today (Note: January 30th) i saw the fifth indiana jones movie, Indiana Jones And The Kid Who SPOILERS UP MY ASS
Accidentally Committed Genocide With A Video Game.
SPOILERS OUT MY FRONT (no more spoilers)

The movie sucked because indiana jones had barely any role in it.
I mean, whos idea was it to focus on the kids?
Did the writers, directors, producers, and extras SEE temple of doom?
The children in that movie were ANNOYING and UNREALISTIC, kids can’t drive, especially not in india! and who makes kids work in mines? NO ONE THATS WHO this is me dartagnan, i am writing this as fast i can, they payed me to write that, in reality many kids are forced to work in china, with almost no food, and have generally unhappy lives, the worst part is that this is supported by america, who doesn’t care about human rights for the sake of money, once again this proves that capitalism is a terrible system, please spread this message....either know this is easily found out by googling.... soooo this isn’t that much of a secret....anyways, temple of doom is somewhat accurate, but one thing that is bullshit is the portrayal of hinduism! ooooooh let me tell you what, the first thing thats stupid is the---OH SHIT THEY'RE COMING FOR ME!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhowamistillwirtingAAAAAAAAH

wait, i can say its done by china, well nevermind then, i just mis-ah fuck it, i just used this framing device of me being payed to say something i didn't want to say, so people wouldn't be bored by my soap boxing about china and america. Also, kids sometimes drive cars.
anyways, it was dumb to focus on the kids, because kids are annoying in indiana jones, its a rule.

Besides, Harrison Ford doesn’t even do anything indiana jones like! How lame, at least in Crystal Skull he found a crystal skull, and used it to defeat a russian chick, but here they focus entirely on the aliens! dumb dumb dumb.

Anyways, see you next month.
Because i’m watching you.
....ok, i’m not, i was just making a joke. and announcing my plan to become world dictator.
see you later.

Friday, January 3, 2014

HELLO 2014

So now its 2014, but before we look forward we should look backwards, and i don’t mean we should go back to beating our wifes like in the 50’s. i mean, look back on 2013, of course, i don’t want a nuclear future, man!
heres what happened in 2013:
a meteor exploded above a russian city, and lots of people almost died, but everyone was distracted by how cool it looked.
Hugo Chavez, the Jackass ruler of vanauzrala, whos assholeness ruined the reputation of socialism, died, will vunazlura become a better place, NOPE! His asshole vice-president got elected instead.
A new pope was elected, because the old one was getting too old for this shit (not as cool as it sounds), the new pope, Pope Francis, is also a former bouncer, Most badass pope ever.
Two teen boys, hatched a scheme, that they thought would be best prank of 2013, the scem was death by bombs, and it killed three people, the two pranksters were apprehended, the joke being considered unfunny and tasteless....oops i just described the reaction to this joke i’m making right now about the kids being pranksters.
It took reddit to find them, and it worked...i mean the finding them part, not the reddit part, reddit sucks.
but really, it was horrible and bad.
in happier news, the nsa are watching you right now! Which led people to compare america to 1984, but in a plot twist, its actually Brave New World (See Amusing Ourselves To Death by Postman, Neil).
So the american version of james bond, had to escape to russia to avoid getting put in jail, like the Dude who's actually a Lady, Chelsea Manning.
Speaking of russia, Russia is getting worser and worser, isn’t it?
Anyways, Egypt is getting worse too. Who would of thought that a simple twitter revelation would led to a civil war, thinks to jackass presidents (and other baddies)?
Oh and also Syria, think this war isn’t already bad? Well, now america’s on in the action!
Roger Ebert died, NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Margaret Thatcher died, YAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Ray Harryhausen also died, NOOOOOOOOO AGAIN!
Tom Clancy died, Um...I don’t know how to react to this.
And finally, Nelson Mandela died. I think this onion article describes it pretty well.
But not after James Avery AKA the guy who voiced Sheder, and the uncle in Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, died, i would be sad, but the characters he played were assholes anyways, so i don’t care (just kidding, he is a awesome dude...well....was...)

So 2013 was a year of ups and downs, wasn’t it?
Anyways, i can’t wait to see what happens in 2014
oh wait, i forget to write about christmas, MY christmas!

.....on the night before christmas, i watched a mst3k, then, christmas.
For christmas i got:
Heroquest, a really good roleplaying game (Not the board game!)
Runequest 6, Another awesome game, the game was originally made for...
Pavis gateway into adventure, Theres another book i ordered before christmas called sartar that is probably a better intro for GLORANTHA (thats what i was going to say!) than this book, but the website said due to some weird thing it wouldn’t ship orders until december 23, and that day has passed and i still haven’t seen it, but i’ll know when i seen, but for now THIS BOOK will be my GATEWAY INTO GLORANTHA
MONSTER ISLAND, godzilla not included.
a modok mug
No one can make modok funnier.
John Locke and the second treatise of goveament, so i once talked with my dads brother about politics and stuff, and he wanted this to be a christmas present for me, but when we got it, we didn’t know who sent it to us or why, so i got a elary christmas present! too bad i didn’t read it until after chrismas :\
Every year santa, i mean my parents, puts scratchers into our socks, these come from gramma, who is a gambling adtice, also, lots of candy gets put in there too.
and finally video games, i asked for fallout 3 and fallout new vegas, which i got, and thanks to steam’s christmas sell, i burned a hole in my pocket and got lots of games:
system shock 2
Thief 1-3
portal 2 (and another copy so i can play with someone else, like myself)
Surgeon simulator 2013
The walking dead* (and the 400 days dlc)
..postal 2.................
............,i had to chose between this or the first mass effect
why did i went with this? is something you’ll have to decide reader.
Also, the hearth fire dlc for skyrim.

because of all of this, the days leading to the end of the year were mostly me playing video games, expect for:
in two weeks (the one before christmas, and the one during), i finished a adventure we were doing in the rpg elric, i runned it, and they almost died but then they choose to sherenter, thus not dieing, smart move, also a friend sean said that this was “The worst adventure ever” but he says that about every scenario hes in, so who cares?
sean, sean does.
my friend trey came over, he spent time on his computer AND. THATS. IT.
on new years, my old friend gabe came to my house, the last time i talked to him was before counter strike global offensive came out (So, 2011?), which i thought was called counter strike global offensive, as in “that is offensive” and the game would just be offensive images. Meanwhile, in the present (and by that i mean new years), gabe just mostly talked about video games and stuff, and kicking my ass at risk.
and then it was 12:00 and then it was “HAPPY NEW YEARS”.
So yeah, 2013 is dead now, hopefully 2014 will be better.
I’m not saying that 2013 sucked i’m just saying that i hope 2014 will be awesomer.

january 1: lazy, unproductive day, in which gabe went back home,
january 2: a bit more productive one, in which i worked on THIS BLOG, and also i watched iron sky with dad, and the producers with mom, both have nazis in them.
january 3: another book i ordered, called “book of quests” which a supplement for runequest 6, arrived on my doorstep, and also i posted this blog.


hi nsa i'm a red head norway lady whos interested in knowing what its like having american boy, episally one whos like a spy, short of like a amercian james bond, so which one of one of you would be interested? :) Loves and Kisses xoxo, Helga

*Not the talking dead, or the crappy first person shooter one.