Monday, March 12, 2012


first, Brent came over, not much here, also NEW TOILET!

2 buttons, i call them:

1. pissin’
2. pissin’ 2: electric poopalu

here's its bottom

you can sleep on it!

you can read a book on it!

you can play role playing games on it!

its so awesome, that elric likes it!

awesome toilet.

and then, not much stuff happened, but then we went to Colorado to see some of the family.

there was:
nana, and papa
james, and nadi
kris, and jaime
robert, rose, and dom
we skyped with aunt krystina
also new cousins jordan, rubie

...and thats it.

also i watched justice league doom, based on the hit video game, it was good.

also me and my dad went to Canada to do some tax's, and we got some tim hurtens.