Thursday, July 25, 2013

birthday 2013

My birthday happened. i am 14 years old now.

david and his brothers, Cameron, davids mom and his dad, kathie, trey (One of the worst role players in our group, because he acts stoned all of the time), treys brother, treys sister, trey's mom, sawyer and his family, were there. Also brent called us.
also they brought a big tv that david cameron and trey used to play super smash brothers brawl. cameron won cause knew all of kirby's moves.

my mom made a cake that had the yellow sign on it. i think that officially makes me a cultist of hastur now.

the presents i got where: (links from
escape from innsmouth ( (thinks alot dad! this is rare book, he got it from england.)
h.p. lovecraft's kingsport ( (also kind of rare, but not as much as innsmouth)
Cults of the Young Kingdoms ( (for elric, not hard to get)
Dream Realms ( (for elric, also not hard to get)

There were other presents on my list, but i can get some of the other ones with the money i got after my birthday. like my ever growing porn collection.

cameron also got me:
tec: III (morrowind) and IV (oblivion), as i have been playing skyrim. and other words i have no life.

i also got boxing gloves.
Yay. i have a life, and its beating people up.

david got me as a late birthday presents a week after my birthday: deus ex human revolution. (i asked for this) sense he knows i like deus ex.


as for other stuff, me, my dad and my mom, went to the beach to raid on a rath, this is something we do every summer, in my opinion, this time was the first that i actually enjoyed. since the other times either i was a bitch, or we didn’t do it. yeah i was a bitch.

and then theres roleplaying, noble things that have happened in the last sessions over the past weeks:
a big fight between us and a bunch of tough as hell soldiers. and wining thanks to cocaine, baskiy (davids character) dieing from cutting a giant fish from the inside, and then water coming in causing him to fall to the bottom of the sea, drowning him (he was two days from retirement). us surviving running away from the theocrat of pan tang, who could of killed us in a minute. the ones who survived pan tang ended up floating on a piece of a ship, with beer, and then we fought over the beer before being saved by tarkeist (viking) sailors (thanks alot we almost ran out of beer). druggy adventures on melnibone, like all of us crying like babys thanks to a demon of woe. and a little bit of a larp as we have to entertain a melnibone noble, i boxed david. in real life and the game, i won. almost killing him. in game, not life.

thats it, other than a bunch of visits by friends. and david making a character in skyrim based on next blog will (hopefully) have more substance.

glad to be 14 years old now however.

next blog: A T. S. Eliot like 200 line poem on my day at the park.