Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yesterday I got a book called the zombie survival guide! And it is written by max brooks it tells you everything about a zombie attack. It tells you what a zombie is and gives great weapon suggestions and great tips for hiding from and running away from the zombie. And it talks about recorded zombie attacks so far I am at the beginning of the weapons section. It is very entertaining and you should pick one up. I will explain more next weak since I have it for 2 weeks from the library..

Also about bloo’s kill-a-thon part 2 my dad and I planning on stating on it after I get done with this game. I will tell you what it is. It is a game about a scientist who works at this place that second name is mesa. The EXPERIMENT goes wrong when Aliens come out and the first weapon you get is a crowbar and it is not the sequel but both games got game of the year awards.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bloo's Kill-a-thon

hey guys,
Just to let you know, me and my dad john rossfeld have been working on this for a few days. Now it is done, part soon will come soon now it's time for bloo's kill-a-thon.

about superman's gun...that is based on some images we made awhile ago.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On the 12th I went on a field trip… to the…. WHATCOM MUSEUM
OF History 8 & Art
The Lummi people lived where we live in Washington.

The Tsonokwa story is one of the most interesting among the stories of the Northwest coast. Tsonokwa is easily recognized by her distinctive appearance. The lips are always recognized by her appearance. The lips are always pursed in a pouty expression formed by her characteristic cry of”uh uh”. One story tells of a girl that lived in a coastal village on the edge of a great forest. She was very small, mm the runt of the litter so to speak, and she was often teased by the other children. She knew that they shouldn’t play in the forest. The elders had told them to beware of the giant women that lived deep in the woods. But children are curious creatures and soon they were further into the forest than they should have deen. From behind a rock’ the wild women appeared. Her bushy hair obscured her face and fur covered her body. She moved with a sudden burst of energy, scooping the children into the basket that she carried over her shoulder. Then she turned and began walking in the direction of her cave.
There was a small hole in the basket
The girl ran as fast as she could to the village
The people began to sing a song that quickly put Tsonkwa to sleep. She knocks the basket over, and she burned to death by the fire.
After this the children never wandered into the forest.
Tsonkwa cooks children
Natives use tree bark to make stuff

Thursday, June 11, 2009

june 11 is my mommy's birthday and i love her

Saturday, June 6, 2009

cccrazy week 676 // 1337 1337 mj

Well guys once upon a time there was a guy doing stuff. Th'en a green guy and then a blue guy started fighting. So this guy falls into a pit of water, because he was in pitfall “the classic Atari game” then a guy used Velcro to jump onto a giant wheel and a guy said “release the Hatcher” and then a giant spider came out and bit him in the neck. So that was my week, but not really, I had a normal week. Me and my dad are working on a crazy comic that will be done soon and I will be doing my video review soon.