Monday, September 30, 2013

Bumbershoot 2013

This month was kind of long, so prepare for a long post.

First off the end of the sack:
ryandash, and a random sailor decided to land on the outskirts of the island of melnibone, rather than the burning city of imrry. they ignored the chaos vessel of the pan tangians who sent him on the mission in the first place, and instead went at their own pace, and landed with the eye in hand. at first they thought that they were safe, but when they lease exepited it, time was stopped for everyone but ryandash, and arioch appeared.

Arioch poiley asked for the eye. and by poiley i mean the chaos god standards of politeness, he was about as polite as an melnibone having his last talk with the slave it had chose to personally kill itself. ryandash, seeing no way she could defeat the lord of the seven darks, give up the eye with almost no disagreement. Arioch then transported her back to the purple towns along with the sailor, and unstopped time.

The sailor was shocked by the shudian transportation of herself and the sailor to the purple towns, anybody who saw them appear out of nowhere was weird out by their appearance. the two tried to explain what happened, but the two were dismissed as crazy. no one ever knew what was up with the “Mysterious duo”. But one things for sure, is that Every report, song, book, retelling, and story about the sack will at least make passing mention of the two, making them laughing stocks forever.

It also turned out that she was hired by pan tangan sorcerers who were trying to get the eye for horrible demonic rituals, it was trick on her, yet Arioch would make them the real fools!. And so, once they sailed to find the sorcerer, they found absolutely nothing of the lady. and now the eye of unlimited potential rests in Arioch hands. Yay.

Nice ending, dad!

That wasn’t the only other adventure that happened however, we just finished another adventure called the soujnsers guide to melnibone, at one point in the adventure we had to enter some melnibone nobles, camerons character, tsalor, decided to enter one of the young nobles by taking her to a different dimension, Cause thats his power, and so they ended up in france, in the future (for those who don’t know, michael moorcock wrote a series of books that took place in the post-apocalyptic future called “history of the runestaff, also the main bad guys are basically britain ran by nazis).

they then were founded questioned by a member of the beast order of gaenbreatian, who then throwed handcrafts on to tsalor (who then put them on) was angered by the lady and then shot her in the face (with a gun called a flame lance).

and then i came in with a new character who was a scientist, who had crashed a flying vehicle, and then i started to shoot at the guy right before he attacked blah, he then hid in his vehicle, and then i rolled a circticle and his head BLOWN THE FUCK UP, so yeah. I then picked up his flame lance.

and then we joined together, and ended up finding some slaves, who were working on a war machine, the vadage used his drain magic points on the slaves, but it did not work when he tried the spell, meaning he had to get alot more magic points then a he usually needs to planeshift. So we camped for the night in the jungle.

And then i got attacked by a half-animal half-human creature, who i blowed THE FUCK UP, with my flame hand, which woke up Tsalor, We now had food (the burning carcass of the creature).

So we continued walking down the path and ended up accidentally bumping into some soldiers of granbretion, i hide in the bushes and tried to blow there shit with the flame lance, but i missed, and we were captured.

We were then taking to their fortress, where there was a general, who a slave had drip some food on, he then he silt the slave's throat in front of us. he then put us in a prison cell, and then interrogated us, Tsalor by clipping out his nostril, and me by taking out my two front teeth, the amnel then asked me why he should just kill us, and i make a critical oratory, and convinced him that since i’m smart, i could be useful to them and there cause, they knocked me out anyways.

and then in the cell, tsalor builded up enough power to create a power using rings with stored power in them, and then we went to the young kingdoms.

also we brought a cook guy who was also imprisoned in the cell with us to the young kingdoms.

and there was some other stuff that happened next, which involved book thief, my sailor character committing book thief back, by raiding on the crab with them, and then i got chased by the book thieves giant metal crab, and managing to avoid the crabs claws just barely, despite the fact that it had a very large chance of hitting, and then we killed the shit out of it. it was awesome. and then the scientist came in with tsalor, who then fixed the metal crab with his science skills, now i have a giant crab, awesome.

and then we went to bumbershoot, See my previous post about it for what happened the last time we went there, i went there with my parents.

stuff that happened:

Delicious food, a ice cream chocolate banana thing, as well as a _____, and i swear it wasn’t poisoned.

Also i have duple joined thumbs, and i thumbed up everybody i saw there, people called me thumbs up guy, how nice, thumbs up to that.

shows we saw:

We saw some music at the coliseum. by alt j, who are awesome. made better by the fact we saw it in a colosseum, which was super awesome. and we saw some other musions. who were also awesome. of crose alt-j was the best as they had a man fight a real life lion, spoilers: the funeral was awesome.

Doug loves movies, again. we did not almost win like last time.

After this point i felt like i was gonna fall asleep at any moment, mostly thanks to long fits of mom and dad going to the bathroom, while i waited for them to come out. it made me tired along with me being tired in general.

The worst of this was when i almost passed out while seeing a few comedians, all of which were funny, but the most notable one was reggie icantremberhissecondname, who my parents REALLY like, and yet i wasn’t really paying addition to him cause i was half asleep and i swear that he must have been on drugs or something, cause seriously what the fuck, so yeah, he was weird, his music is nice however.

Anyways, for some reason i managed to not fall unconscious. which shows my dedication, but yeah (not falling asleep is not really dedication).
also there was a parody of ted talks by the stranger a interpinde newspaper, which was about “seducing my mother, black stuff, political stuff, gay stuff, and christianity vs gay stuff.” (it was great i guest.). and no not my mother.

Anyways, it was fun, but we had to leave immediately afterwards, because it was time to go, i didn’t pass out on the way, nor was it because i had to make a emergency drive to the hosable.

But it was fun, really.


Movies i saw recently time (Warning, SPOILERS FOR IRON MAN 3, FLASHPOINT, and SUPERMAN UNBOUND):

Tony stark 3 was a good movie, It is probably the best tony stark movie since iron man 1.
O.k., it was called iron man 3 not tony stark 3, but you would thinkin that they would call it that, if it wasn’t for the fact that the past 2 movies were called IRON MAN, But otherwise, its TONY STARK THREE!

Also the point of the movie is that tony stark doesn’t need iron man to be iron man, or rather “A superhero”, which along with the fact he spends more did then he did in the last movies being tony stark, so theres that.

But yeah, also in that flashback scene he totally DIS’D THAT GUY, bro. Yeah, they totally did the “Guy from your past wants to get revenge because you were a mean dick to him in the past” Cliche (Or rather, trope) straight.

And also the batman begins school of “That guy who you think is the bad guy is not the bad guy you're looking for, he just used that name to trick you into thinking it was, the OTHER GUY is the bad guy your looking, though it would make more sense for him the be the bad guy, but hey.”.

(Also he DESTROYS the iron man armor, how is this NOT CALLED TONY STARK 3?)

Anyways, now time for The Newest DC Universe Animated Original Movies, The Flashpoint Paradox And Superman: Unbound.

The only thing worth mentioning about unbound, is the fact that louis flips off brainiac, that is awesome, really the movie would have been two hours of that, and it would still be good.

The Flashpoint Paradox Has wonder woman stabbing a kid in the head, The movies have been very gory in the past, but not this gory, infact, its kind of awesome, i guess they wanted to make up for not showing joker poison a kid in the dark knight returns, which is awesome.

But the best part is when zoom gets shot in the head, and then the camera goes throw the hole in his head, with brains and all, its awesome.

(My dad was so amazed by that he screamed in joy in the best english accent he could do. Actually he didn’t. But still.)

So yeah, go see it.

You’ll get a english accent.
But then again i just spoiled it for you.
Someone should put a bullet through my head and the camera should go through the hole showing the man who shot me to be lee harvey oswald or something.

Also, recently we went to the forest thats by my house.
Where it was misty and really cool and spooky looking, so we did a game where we were two teams, and each was a boxer and a guy with a sword, and me and dad were the only ones with a light, and then everyone beat the shit out off each other.

But that wasn’t important, what was, was the fact it was dark and misty.

That was cool.

Also i ran an adventure for elric that day, but i’ll wait for the adventure to be over before i write about it.

See you later.
Also halloweens soon.

and i’m gonna make some edits to my last blog.