Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ok, I know I did not do a blog last week, but this week i will tell what happen last week, Gabe (one of my friends) came last week and we hanged out, and had a little fun, went to places, and we had a good time, we left him at his dad’s. Also, before his visit, I finished the book the hobbit and watched the cartoon based on the book, also I hope peter Jackson does a good job on the hobbit movie. I am also doing a good job on my swimming in the pool, I’m doing well! I’ll do more swimming in the summer.
By the way! This October I will visit my uncles and my papa and nana, GB and papa john will visit us in October also.
I’m just telling my family’s plans. So. Now that my family has plans I hope to do another post next week.
Good bye.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

last week

I know that I did not post something last week, so here are some things I did 2 nights back. I went to a party with my moms co-worker’s, who were very nice and I hope to see them again in the future, also there I saw a man blowing bubbles, his name was the bubble man. And there was some food there, witch I got to eat and drank some Pepsi… out of a wine glass, and it was delicious. I saw an improve sketch there, where they would talk to the audience for a subject, and I said the titanic, witch they used, I did not use another suggestion for the rest of the night, when we want back to the car, we helped one of mom’s co-workers put a plant in our car, 2 for our car, 2 for their car.
At the end of the day, we drove home safe.
But before that my friend hya and her family:
Her mom Tanya, Freesia, Odin, Wolfgang, and her dad Ray!
We went to, our local forest and the cliff of the forest, and our local snow shack, and the theater to watch the last airbender, and me and hya watched night of living the dead, witch I will never watch again, I mean the suspense and zombies are scary, heck even the people talking and trying to lock the door is spooky, boy, I should have watched airplane instead, but instead hya wanted to watch night. But we had a pre-birthday on 4th of July, where one of my mom’s co-workers, Renee came to watch the fire works, wow! This is awesome. Once hya and her family left, I had my real birthday, and the presents: guy with a hammer who is from some old legend or something, green guy with ring or something, and a green screen. With the green screen I hope to have some new videos coming soon.
So see you next week.
Good bye!