Thursday, January 10, 2013

new years

happy new year!!!!!


i suck cause i said this would come out the day after christmas but no.

anyways heres stuff.

christmas happened, paul and kathy came over, it was fun, also we saw the doctor who christmas special.
that is all.
(also it actually ties in with the story of the series (or season) for once.)

here are the books i got for christmas:
weep (just as planned)
postmodern magick (just as planned)
lawyers guns and money (was gonna get before christmas, and got it for christmas instead)
Ascension of the whatever (dad saw it cheap and decided to buy it)
cthulhu by gaslight (just as planned)
land of giants (just as planned)
as you can see there books i didn’t get that were on my christmas list, so i have to buy them with my other money.
heres one book i got recently:
delta green countdown (great book)

thank you, nana and papa for the books.

also karyzoon’s quest finally ended heres what happened:
we pissed off krysoon thanks to this magic dagger we found, and got left in the forest of troos.
but we escaped from the forest of troos after pissing off karyzoon and this led to the characters (er, some of the characters) getting revenge on him.

so they snuck into his house, which was guarded very well.

first they went in, they climbed over a wall and tried to hide in the shadows, then they failed a luck roll (bad rolls is a common theme in this adventure.) and alraed a guard, and they killed the guard and headed for the house, but then.......

it turned out that they set off the alarm!! oh nooo- oh wait, it turns out that the guards have a pendant that protects them from setting off traps, and so when the thief (:name here:) stepped on the rock that set the alarm, it didn’t go off cause he took the pendant.

then the thief sneaked into karyzoon’s house, and hid under his bed and watched him read a book, and then waited for him to snore, bear in mind that he didn’t know if it was him since he only saw his feet.

and then he stabbed him in the heart. mission accomplished and time for the out part. here comes trouble. like GWB he tryed to climb out, but failed and falled off the house and onto the ground, this alred the demons, who chased him and one of the others, they ran away, but bumped into the wall, they turned back like a cartoon, and started to fight with the others, of course the guards were there too, and there were lots of them, there were doomed, and then heavy (yes thats the character's name) picked up the other characters, AND THROW THEM ABOVE THE WALL! then he got killed by a demon.

the other characters unfortunately got knocked out, butt then in a dues ex machina, my winged folk character came in and saved them, and escaped just in time.

the guards afterwards:
“hey boss there were these guys who- ah crap, looks like i’m out of a job”

mission accomplished, but at the cost of a heavy.

heres a string of messages i sent to david afterwards.

me: heavy died a honorable death.
david: yp
david: yep
david: sorry my E key is brokn i think
me: lol
david: NO, FUNNY!
david: thats how heavy would have said it
me: yeah, thats right.
me: anyways
me: r.i.p. heavy
me: 2012-2013
david: yep
me: (he died a virgin)
me: lol


and oh yeah, reflections on last year.

i made a blog after the summer that was pretty much: “i’m 13 years old now, and thats cool”
also my roleplaying kicked of this year. cool.

anyways thats it, see you next week.

or month.
