Saturday, September 3, 2011

Now its time to catch up on recent events, and talk about my Reno visit, we had 2 planes to take us there, which we do every time we go to Reno, i was scared on the plane cause it moved in a way that made me afraid that it was going to crash.

we were staying in a hotel in a casino were there was a buffet, and it was full of food, and on our last night we had a big Brownie, which we could not finish do to how BIG IT WAS, we would have died if we had eaten it all, there was a pool and it was a fantastic pool, though i felt cold sometimes, and the hot tub was just a Little too hot.

the people who we visited were:
GB and papa john, Papa and Nana, a old Friend of dad who's name was Shawn, and uncle Robert, his wife Rose and their son Zach

since my dads brother had a big belly i slapped it a lot

there were many fun things that happened while we were visiting, it was a darn damn awesome time.

and there i got an Early present from GB and Papa John and it was the malleus monstrorum for call of cthulhu, it was one of the presents i wanted for my birthday.

Hyacinthe and her family came over also for the 4th of July, and we did stuff like go to the shack, the beach, ate melted marshmallows, watched the fire works on 4th of July, rode on the raft on the beach, played hopscotch, drew with chalk, and had a fun time in the raft.

also i had a happy birthday sung to me and since i got call of cthulhu stuff for my birthday, my cake was the necronomicon, and it was very delicious, and there were lots of cthulhu related stuff in the table, and fireworks on the cake, and there was a cthulhu mask i owned with a cthulhu toy i also had pieces from the arkham horror game, all on the table that held the cake, it was an awesome cake, and i love my mom for making the cake, thank you mom.

here's the stuff i got for my birthday, they are mostly call of cthulhu stuff

arkham, a source book for the city seen in many of h.p. Lovecraft's stores, and life in arkham.
miskatonic university a source book for the university seen in many h.p. lovecraft stories (including the dunwich horror), and how to get a education there, and the secrets that life there, and its history.
keeper’s companion vol. 1 lots of background stuff for call of cthulhu, had a vol.2, which i don’t have yet.
malleus monstrorum, got early, but was one of the things i wanted for my birthday, a compilation of monsters for call of cthulhu.

also the innsmouth horror expiation for arkham horror, which allows you to go to the dark town of innsmouth seen in h.p. Lovecraft's the shadow over innsmouth, makes the game more hard than it is!

also i got a new camera so i can make new videos soon. its going to replace my old camera, as that one got stuck in a dry cleaner, and i filmed a few scenes with shan and Cameron, also i hope to get out a new poop, which have not been working cause i been busy with life, but I'm going to try to get it out soon